The opioid crisis has been spiraling out of control for some time. Pain management is a real challenge for some people who cannot find measures that work. They turn to addictive substances in order to curb their pain, alongside opioid addiction, and end up feeling worse off than before. Once people understand pain management, they may be able to better understand how to put a stop to opioid addiction.
Prevention or Cure
When thinking about the prevention of addiction, it is important to think about how to prevent addiction from starting due to the plethora of opioid drugs flooding the market. Primary prevention deals with the reasons people turn to opioids. The issues that lead people to opioids can include trauma, pain, or other challenges. The pain may not be taken seriously by others. Underlying health problems that are not attended to properly may veer wildly out of control before a person realizes it. The epidemic of pain is the biggest reason people use medication, but it begs the question of how to support people in pain so they can feel better.
Race and Class
Opioid abuse was confined to mostly males who are working class, living in low-income white communities. This demographic is shifting to Hispanic communities, working women, professionals, and many others who are using prescription drugs for various reasons. Men are four times more likely than women to die from opioids. While the current opioid crisis tends to be described as a problem of white communities, this is not the case any longer. There is research being done to find out who is being impacted and why. There is little written to address root causes. When identifying the root causes of how to help women and men fight back against pain, there is more work to be done.
Finding Hope
Pain management relies heavily on medication. There are people who need medication to get through the day due to various illnesses or challenges they face. It is difficult to find other drugs that act like opioids and have less addictive properties. When looking for hope amidst the opioid crisis, more work is needed to figure out how to help people feel better and get off drugs. For those who are already addicted, they can attend specific drug treatment programs and find help from experts who look at the root causes of their addiction. Identifying better means of managing pain will better help people navigate their challenges effectively so they can be healthy and live a long life in recovery without the use of substances.
Oceanfront will help you kick an addiction to the curb with our premier beachfront community in Laguna Beach. We help tackle the opioid crisis one life at a time. We are located in beautiful Laguna Beach. Call us to find out how we can help you navigate addiction recovery: 888-981-4295