If you were asked to think about the current state of your health and give an assessment of it, what would you say? If you’re thinking about any symptoms right now, they’re physical ones. What if I asked you to think specifically about the current state of your mental health? You may not have the terminology to give yourself an assessment of it. It may be that you’ve been struggling with your emotions or identity, and you’re not sure how to properly care for yourself mentally. Caring for your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. If you have questions about functioning mentally or how to care for your mental needs properly, a mental health treatment center can help.
At Oceanfront Recovery, we know that your overall mental wellness is imperative to your health and recovery. When we admit a new client for drug or alcohol rehabilitation, we consider the full scope of that person’s mental health. Our dual diagnosis approach allows us to simultaneously administer care for substance abuse disorders and other mental health conditions that may be impacting addiction habits. For more information on our treatment programs, reach out today by visiting us online or calling (877) 296-7477.
What are Identity Issues, and How Can I Deal with Them?
If you spend a lot of time anxiously worrying about who you are and your purpose, you may be experiencing an identity crisis. Someone in an active identity crisis is questioning who they are and how they fit into the society around them. These crises often occur after a major life change, such as a new job, a major move, graduation, or the end of a relationship. Some people may experience identity issues when they reach a milestone age.
Professional help is the best way to address a major identity crisis, but there are other things you can do to help care for yourself. If you find healthy support from an outside source such as a church, family, community, or team sports to be helpful, it can help you naturally find that sense of self. It’s also important to discover and craft this identity yourself; don’t base your identity around negative judgments or assumptions.
The Effects of an Identity Crisis
Identity issues aren’t necessarily dangerous, and they can be addressed with therapy and outside intervention. However, when these issues become a crisis, they can cause a serious decline in your overall mental health. Identity issues can lead to other mental health issues, including depression. You may be experiencing depression if:
- You’re no longer interested in things you used to enjoy
- You commonly feel fatigued, even when you haven’t been particularly active
- Your mood is usually low, and you’ve been irritable and snappy over little things
- Your diet, appetite, or weight has fluctuated more than usual
- You’re having trouble concentrating on tasks
Depression, like an identity crisis, is treatable with the help of a professional. Please don’t wait to get yourself the help that you need. The effects of an identity crisis can be stressful, but with proper professional help, you can find the end of the tunnel.
Discover Mental Health Treatment at Oceanfront Recovery
Oceanfront Recovery in Laguna Beach is proud to offer beautiful facilities, highly qualified staff, and modern technologies. Our individualized approach has helped people from all walks of life find mental wellness and lasting sobriety, and we’d love to help you or your loved one. If you have any questions about how we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. Call (877) 296-7477 or visit us online to complete our secure form.